Helicopter Types Flown By Dennis
Take Me Home
Aviation Pictures Taken by Dennis
Above Left: UH-1H on the flight line in foreground, C-141 in far background,
OH-58 on far left. That little side door on the Huey gets
opened about once a year.
Above Right: Nose Cover, Designed by Lt Kevin S Bright,
and hand Painted by Spence Duncan or Moi.
The Vulture and expression come from an old cartoon about two Vultures on the same branch of a dead tree that overlooks a dessert valley. One Vulture says "I’m Hungry." Vulture #2 says "Patience." Vulture #1 says "Patience my ass, I want to kill something."
OH is Observation Helicopter
UH is Utility Helicopter
AH is Attack Helicopter

Above Left: AH-1G, foreground, OH-58 background.
Above Right: AH-1G, easy to see where the Camouflage
Colors come from.
Above: This is a Republic of Korea (ROK) DMZ T Marker. Not many people get to see these. It means that the official No Man’s Land, the DMZ, starts 100 meters north of the top of the T. It is fenced in the more populated areas.

Above Left: AH-1G, enroute to Gunnery Practice.
It was so cold, that the rotor blades were leaving contrails.
This was the same day as the infamous Colorado Springs
May 5&6, 1978,
snow storm (dumped four to five feet of snow, sideways).
We flew out of that Snow Storm into a huge Dust Storm in Texas.
Stuff Happens when the wind is from the SSE along the
Rocky Mountain front range!
Above Right: AH-1G, landing in some not so good weather. That is a loyal
Crew Chief, the Army had some good men, we tried to get the Chief to
take cover. The temperature was already sub-zero and our rotor wash
could not be helping.

Above: Dennis and first Honda leaving Basic Flight
School (Fort Wolters, Texas)
for Flight Instrument School at Fort Rucker, Alabama.
All that Dennis owns is on that bike.
Check out the cool pants!
Helicopter Types Flown By Dennis
Take Me Home