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Bike Adventure #47

Leg 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(Linear Order)

Pictures and Stories About Bicycle Adventures

Great Divide Mountain Bike Route (GDMBR - Segment):
Great Divide Basin: Crooks Gap Road (CR 22), to CR 23 to Sooner Road (CR 3215);
Wyoming; June 2013

Leg 3 - Crooks Gap Road (CR 22)

CR 22 (barely readable sign) also known as Crooks Gap Road. We're Off.

Above Left: We're Off.

Above Right: CR 22 (barely readable sign) also known as Crooks Gap Road. The road is pretty good except for a few 'Walk It in the Sand Spots'.

Accidental Picture. Good road.

Above Left: Accidental Picture.

Above Right: Good road.

GDMBR, Wyoming, CR 22.
GDMBR, Wyoming, CR 22. GDMBR, Wyoming, CR 22.

Above Left: Nice Road.

Above Right: It took us a while to figure, this is a Shortcut Road to CR 3217 but not the road itself (nor for the GDMBR).

Old Snow Cat on Tracks. A snow fence.

Above Left: Old Snow Cat on Tracks, we are not sure if this is operational? The wind in the winter makes this a very dangerous place for snow drifts.

Above Right: A snow fence, yet another hint about winter conditions here..

It looks like a rider but it is a sign post. Atlantic City is way back at the foot of that mountain.

Above Left: It looks like a rider but it is a sign post (CR 22).

Above Right: Atlantic City is way back at the foot of that mountain.

GDMBR, Wyoming, CR 22. GDMBR, Wyoming, CR 22.
Signage at the intersection of CR 23 and CR22. Signage at the intersection of CR 23 and CR22.

Above: Signage at the intersection of CR 23 and CR22.

CR 22 (between Crook's Gap Road and Sooner Road)

Antelope. Antelope.

Above: Antelope.

Black and White Butterflies on White Thistle. Black and White Butterflies on White Thistle.

Above: Black and White Butterflies on White Thistle.

Antelope. Antelope.

Above: Antelope.

Antelope. Cattle.

Above Left: Antelope.

Above Right: Cattle.

Cattle on the GDMBR. Cattle on the GDMBR.

Above: Cattle on the GDMBR - We usually stop for a moment and then slowly move forward and the cows will usually move away, bulls are a little bit more stubborn, even young ones. Sometimes we have to wait a few minutes for bulls; it does not bother us, it is sort of normal animal behavior.

Young Bull. Young Bull.

Above: Young Bulls.

Sooner Road (CR 3215)

Dennis and Terry Struck on Sooner Road, Wyoming.

Above: Dennis and Terry Struck on Sooner Road (CR #3216), Great Divide Basin, Wyoming, 25 June 2013, Great Divide Mountain Bike Route (GDMBR).

Sooner Road, WY, GDMBR. Sooner Road, WY, GDMBR.

Above: Sooner Road, WY, GDMBR.

Abandoned Water Tank. Abandoned Line Shack.

Above: Abandoned Line Shack and Water Tank.

Tour Divide Racer. Tour Divide Racer.

Above Left: Tour Divide Racer.

Above Right: Tour Divide Racer.

Tour Divide Racer. Tour Divide Racer.

Above Left: Tour Divide Racer.

Above Right: Tour Divide Racer.

Tour Divide Racer. Tour Divide Racer.

Above Left: Tour Divide Racer.

Above Right: Tour Divide Racer.

Tour Divide Racer. Tour Divide Racer.

Above Left: Tour Divide Racer.

Above Right: Tour Divide Racer.

In the sun. In the shade.

Above Left: In the sun.

Above Right: In the shade.

Long straight road (Sooner Road, Wy, GDMBR).

Above: Letting the mind wander (Sooner Road, Wy, GDMBR).

Western Sky. Western Sky.

Above: Western Skies.

Tour Divide Racer. Sun Baked Road.

Above Left: Tour Divide Racer.

Above Right: Sun Baked Road.

Sooner Road, Wyoming, GDMBR. Sooner Road, Wyoming, GDMBR.
Sooner Road, Wyoming, GDMBR. Sooner Road, Wyoming, GDMBR.
Sooner Road, Wyoming, GDMBR. Sooner Road, Wyoming, GDMBR.
to the right hand side is the Wyoming A&M Reservoir. Cattle to the east.

Above Left: The dark object near the end of the road is a former military auxiliary power unit (electrical generator), it is just sitting there and the purpose is unknown. Further back to the right hand side is the Wyoming A&M Reservoir, we did not stop there but plenty of bikers did.

Above Right: Cattle to the east.

Tour Divide Rider on Fixed Gear Bike. Tour Divide Rider on Fixed Gear Bike.

Above: Tour Divide Riders, both on Fixed Gear Bikes. Notice that each rider has a helmet.

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