| << | #50, Spain | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | >> |
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Seville 1 2 Carmona 3 Palma del Rio 4 Córdoba 5 6 Baena 7 Almedinilla 8 Granada 9 10 València 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Spain Bicycle Tour Adventure, Day 14

Pictures and Stories About Bicycle Adventures

Too Hot - 46C/114F - NO TOURING TODAY

There was a hot dry wind flowing straight across from the Sahara. Mr Sun.

Above Left: There was a hot dry wind flowing straight across the Mediterranean Sea from the Sahara of Africa at about 48 KPH/30 MPH gusting to 64 KPH/40 MPH. The wind and heat felt like being inside a convection oven. We decided to stay indoors as did most of València. Even Native Valèncian's stated that they had never seen anything like this before. This heat made the International News Coverage (CNN/BBC).

Above Right: Mr Sun.

We, wisely, stayed indoors all day.

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