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Bicycle Tour Adventure #2
Pictures and Stories About Bicycle Tour Adventures
Rocky Mountain National Park, by Bike,
Colorado, USA, July, 1996

Pictured above is our backtrail view to the southwest.
We parked our truck near the town of Grand, Colorado, and off loaded our bikes and gear. Then we biked into Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) from the south-west entrance and selected a camp site on the same south-west side of RMNP. Our camp is somewhere in this picture. It was early in the morning and we got to see a wild bull moose grazing in a creek meadow. We set up camp by 9AM, ate Brunch, and started the long uphill bike ride to the summit.
Above Left: The Alpine Visitor Center located near the top.
Above Right: The view from the back side of the Visitor Center, looking due east. The tree line averages about 11,500 Feet around here (and most of Colorado).

Above Left: This picture is actually a zoom of the east looking picture further above on the right. There are about 20 Elk at about dead center of the picture.
Above Right: Dennis, modeling some nice Treks at 12,000 Feet.

A Denver Bronco Fan (Terry) next to the summit elevation sign. The sign above the elevation sign says no parking. Go figure. It took us about 30 minutes to go downhill back to camp. Half of the ride down was keeping pace with a Harley Bike club, in fact one guy rode in formation along side for about four minutes. We had to stop part of the way down to give our hands a rest from using our hand brakes. There is just something not fair about performing all that work to pedal up hill and not being able to turn the bikes loose for a nice long coast down hill - That uncovers one of my secret wishes.
Addendum: In the year 2005, Dennis got his wish. He was able to ride down the east side of Monarch Pass, Colorado, without braking too much, thus achieving speeds around 45-50 MPH and able to perform wide fast hairpin turns at 25-30 MPH.
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